doceri desktop
doceri desktop



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We regret to inform you that Doceri was retired in August 2022 is no longer supported.

Doceri Desktop 2.0 Download (Free trial)

2024年2月20日 — Doceri Desktop version 2.0 (Doceri Desktop.exe). Doceri Desktop is an interactive whiteboard and screencast recorder.

Doceri Desktop Download

2024年2月20日 — Doceri Desktop is an interactive whiteboard and screencast recorder. This would be useful for teachers - they can draw on the board using an ...

Doceri Interactive Whiteboard on the App Store

Combining screencasting, desktop control, and an interactive whiteboard in one app, you'll never have to turn your back to the class or audience again.


Doceri和Doceri Desktop:Doceri可以在iPad的App Store中下載,為免費App,連結為 ... 缺點:無法在同一台電腦上安裝Doceri Desktop,再從iPad上的Doceri App來控制同一 ...


2013年5月29日 — 為了安裝『Doceri』,我終於下決心把iPad1的OS升級到5(哈,也升不到6了),安裝起來後,再多了新體驗呢~集合電子白板、遙控電腦以及螢幕錄影的三合 ...

在App Store 上的「Doceri Interactive Whiteboard」

Combining screencasting, desktop control, and an interactive whiteboard in one app, you'll never have to turn your back to the class or audience again.

彈指神功doceri 徐匯中學謝憶茹

1. 電腦點選程式. Doceri Desktop. 先在電腦或筆電安裝Doceri. Desktop 後, 點選檔案, 電腦就. 會開始搜尋你的平板電腦。 2. 在iPad 上點選 doceri. 在iPad 中尋找doceri ...


3-5 Doceri. 『Doceri』:遙控電腦以及螢幕錄影功能. 使用說明:. 1.電腦必須下載doceri PC版,並且安裝--; 2.ipad app--https ...


WeregrettoinformyouthatDoceriwasretiredinAugust2022isnolongersupported.,2024年2月20日—DoceriDesktopversion2.0(DoceriDesktop.exe).DoceriDesktopisaninteractivewhiteboardandscreencastrecorder.,2024年2月20日—DoceriDesktopisaninteractivewhiteboardandscreencastrecorder.Thiswouldbeusefulforteachers-theycandrawontheboardusingan ...,Combiningscreencasting,desktopcontrol,andaninteractivewhiteboardinonea...

DesktopOK 11.47 桌面圖示永遠不怕亂

DesktopOK 11.47 桌面圖示永遠不怕亂
